Please Look for Link to Other ST Moments sites.

Please Look for Link to Other ST Moments sites.

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Devils due editing is coming along

Hello Inter-web-land.
I have been working on my latest edit of ST Moments episode 87 Devil's Due one of the stand out episodes of the Fourth Season, this project seems to be taking longer and longer to get a handle on. This could be due to my physical problems with my disability or the fact that I'm putting so much more into them. There was a big gap between the release of ST Moments episodes 85 and 86 due to,  my not being able to sit for long periods at my computer desk and just not having the energy to do it. So sorry for that gap inbetween but I'm feeling a little more able to cope now so here we go, back to Devils Due. 
Yes well I did some work last week and this week on the episode, I've always like this one Ardra is a great character and the actress Marta DuBois, did a wonderful job especially in the interaction with her and Picard. The putdown in the first meeting is classic in fact the setup on most of the scenes are good and here lies the problem with all of these episodes, what to leave in and want to take out. Where Ardra first appears, has to be in, thou i have brought the dialogue closer together and cut out things like the hostage sub-story. 
It was the crews motivation to prove that she is a con artist and not the devil that I thought was more important. So at the moment I'm up to the scene on the bridge when she is in the captains chair, that  I'm about to work on. Which doesn't seem to work for me as well as the other Ardra scenes, in comparison to the arrival and departure of our protagonist. If you have any ideas on how i should proceed with the following scenes please let me know otherwise i will continue with my ideas which you may or may not like, I have included a offline blog exclusive preview of the episode, showing  where I'm up to, so join in and advise me on how you would proceed. 

All the Best, DarMok

Offline Edit Devils Due showing where I'm up to with this episode.

Devil Due Opening

Ardra's Arrival 

YouTube Upload

Monday, 22 September 2014

One Million YouTube hits.

Remember the Playlists.

Hello Inter-web-land.
I new that we where getting near to it, but it's finally happened, we have just passed the one million hits mark on YouTube. Unfortunately there where no bell or whistles, no secret levels to open up or even a message from YT itself to tell me. So to mark the occasion myself, I though it would be a good time to remind ST Moments members how the channel was designed to be played in the first place.
           Each episode was to follow the other as a continuous reminder of the best moments in Star Trek The Next Generation. The original concept was to have had short single moments but as time has gone on and viewers have asked for longer edits and they have become more like mini episodes. So here's the reminder to please if you have time, watch the playlists on YouTube's DarMok Channel and remember all the moments we all grew to love about the NextGen.
The Channel
Here are the Playlist links.
Season One
Season Two
Season Three
Season Four

Sunday, 21 September 2014

G+ Banner and news on Episode 87 Devils Due edit.

Latest Edits

Hello Inter-web-land.
These are the latest edits that I have been working on, a animation for some cover-art on Google+ and the new edit for the DarMok Channel on YouTube.

A little bit of cover artwork for Google+  which was a problem to upload on the site as a animation.
HD Version of the Animation

I finally managed to get the animation I had been working on, as my G+ cover banner. More by accident than design, I had been trying to create a Giff file because the Flv file wouldn't work at the first attempt to upload it as a cover. But it seems that if you upload a Flv file onto the page as a video upload, because it is then in your gallery, you can then use it as a cover image. It does for some reason have a unintended zoom but that will do, I hope that all makes sense for those who wish to give this a go themselves.

Episode 87 Devils Due

The U.S.S. Enterprise receives an emergency transmission from a science station on the planet Ventax II. The Ventaxians are in a panic, convinced a mythic figure called Ardra has returned to fulfill a thousand-year-old contract. According to legend, she promised the citizens of the once war-torn planet a thousand years of peace and prosperity in exchange for their enslavement at the end of that time. When Picard takes Worf, Data and Troi to the planet to help Jared, the Ventaxian leader, Ardra suddenly appears before them.
I'm in the early stages of the edit of this episode and I think it is going well, I do love this story and think the final edit will till the story in a more pacey way.